1937 Uruguay

My mother was born then and this woman became my love, my guidance, my everything. This wonderful person had a very difficult childhood and a surprising life, the oldest of seven siblings was born to an odd couple, her father a writer and actor and her mom a small town girl. Complete opposites! Grandpa was what you would call a ladies man, it was just impossible for him to remain faithful to his gorgeous but simple wife. Grandma was heartbroken and always hoping he would return, and he did! Many times over and over. My mom would always say, the first thing she would do every morning was check the closet to see if her dad had come home or had left again.

Grandma becomes weak and insecure, putting  all her obligations on my mom’s shoulders and she just had to grow up, very fast, no time for games or dreams.

In 1950 at the age of thirteen mom goes looking for her dream and started working with her dad. She becomes an actress but was filled with insecurities and no one makes it easy. Grandma is furious and feels betrayed by her rock, her daughter. Mom was on her own!

In 1953 she starts dating my dad, who was madly in love with her! But she can’t handle it, she can’t give her heart, she is broken but she marries him anyway in 1954.

I was born in 1956, eighteen months into the marriage, my mom was thrilled she said to me,  but things had gotten very difficult financially as my dad was not making enough money to provide the life she had always dreamed of. Mom was working and traveling with her artistic career. This is when she meets the love of her life. This of course brings her marriage to an end.

She receives lots of criticism over this, not a normal thing for 1957. My mom is free to start her dream life but now she has a child and her love does not want children. What can she do? She must find a solution to this, she has to work and must find someone to watch over me. Luckily she knows a wonderful family she can count with and there I went to live a life full of love and praise by this loving people.

1960- My mom has a child with her love. I was brought home to live with them and to start school. The teachers notice that I am a shy and sad child, insecure and starving to fit in. Why? What’s happening? I don’t know! Mom gets called in, questioned, she is absolutely clueless and her answer is that I take after my dad. I’m too sensitive!

1966- Her world crashes, her love is gone! Oh no, she would always tell me, no man can be allow to destroy a woman! Stand up tall and show him! Within months we moved to Buenos Aires with her new husband. Who is this man? Where did he come from? well….he seems nice.

Life is difficult to say the least. So stressful, so confusing! Where is my dad?












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